Data Collection


I saw you talk years and years ago. I was obviously impressed with your story.

Thereā€™s a lot going on politically. Iā€™ve been teaching a class and initially I shared my personal email and said I had no idea why you might need this but here it is. Well, I later gave them a reason. Someone had spray painted antisemitic things around campus. Honestly, it was a little unnerving. But, I wore my Jewish space lazer corps shirt and did my best to tell them that I really wish both sides would stop and if they were Jewish feel to email me and if youā€™re not feel free to email me too because Iā€™ve long wanted that situation to deescalate. [1]

Even more recently, I was talking to someone who said some shocking things. Stuff that scares the shit out of me tbh. But, we kept talking and I said if your daughter ever wants to learn about AI feel free to contact me. I said yelling at each other isnā€™t really going to do anything. Tbh, it very much feels like itā€™s better to try and accept that we all some very strange thoughts at times and itā€™s better to keep the communication open. [2]

Thanks again,

